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Visitors 122
Modified 13-Apr-24
Created 3-Feb-10
20 photos

Flowing, soothing, calming, reflecting, vibrant life-giving water. The essence of our being, eternal & nurturing always.
Floating in Stillness7.MECA14E-40x30-PoolDeckWaveAttackFloatingLillies.jpgMirror to the SkyGlobalWarming.JPGCanoNegroReflection.jpgZen Pebbles - Las Vegas, NVIntoTheFlood-WabashRiver6-08.jpgBar Harbor Sunset 10-16NorthPondBranches-LincolnPark.jpgWetlandsReflected.jpgWetlandsSunrise.jpgAnacapaTurquoise.jpgGibbon Falls - Yellowstone 20x24Penobscot Bay Blues - Rockport MEMorningSilver8-10-08.JPGGlobal Cooling - Gethsemane Garden Center, ChicagoWabash River Flood - Merom, IndianaTiticaca Reeds - Puno, PeruWater Lilly Zen - Chicago Botanic Gardens

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Water, movement, reflections, rivers, stillness, surf, waves